phone / telephone

Speak the number/value as a 7-digit or 10-digit telephone number.

The key, phone is a shortened form of telephone for convenience.

My number is NOT (8675309)[phone].              // same
My number is NOT (8675309)[telephone].          // same
My number is NOT (8675309)[phone:"1"].          // same
My number is NOT (8675309)[telephone:"1"].      // same

The number is ((888) 555-1212)[phone].

Some implementations of SSML need a country code set as a format attribute. If no format is included, the default is “1”.

Speech Markdown

Short format


Standard format

The number is ((888) 555-1212)[phone].


Plain Text

The number is (888) 555-1212.

Amazon Alexa SSML

The Alexa SSML formatter omits the format attribute.

    The number is <say-as interpret-as="telephone">(888) 555-1212</say-as>.

Google Assistant SSML

    The number is <say-as interpret-as="telephone" format="1">(888) 555-1212</say-as>.